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Self Introduction Formal Letter

Subject: Self-Introduction Dear Prof Brad, I am writing an introduction letter as a student of your module. My name is Calvin and had graduated from Ngee Ann Polytechnic with a diploma in automation & mechatronic system. Which mean i will stay within the polytechnic for a total of six years since i came from the same polytechnic. Perhaps I have an affinity with the number ‘six’. As I took whole ‘six’ year to complete my secondary school, along with the completion of my primary school which is additional ‘six’ years. I shall skip the reason of why I took six years to complete my secondary till the next time. I would say I am a passionate learner as I love to handle tasks that are challenging as they excites me. I love to open and analyse basically any hardware or stationery as it always keeps me interested. Despite times where i forget how to reassemble, I will try to fix it back no matter what happens. This has sparked my interest into an engineering course since young. Which

Critical Reflection

1.Module Learning At the beginning of this module, I have expressed that I want to improve on my presentation skills and the stumble of words at times, especially when I am nervous or when I am not well-prepared. In addition to the improvement in the usage of grammar in the letter writing. This module will allow me to strengthen my current flaws. Now that the module is coming to an end, I felt that there is an improvement made in my current flaws, although not all of it. I can achieve what I am today is all thanks to my fellow peers, and my beloved Professor Blackstone, who constantly gave feedbacks on my performance which I can reflect on and make the changes.  All in all, I have learned much stuff from this module such as improving my language, making the correct sentence structure, correct usage of APA citation format and the correct style of pitching during the oral presentation. All these which I am not good at from the very start.  With the knowledge I have gained throughout